Defending Paradise Landingpage

Defending Paradise is a campaign for tropical rainforest preservation in Tanah Papua and Maluku Islands as a habitat of cenderawasih or birds-of-paradise. This campaign is marked with #DefendingParadise on social media.

This campaign is a collaboration project between the EcoNusa Foundation and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, which has been conducting research and documenting birds-of-paradise in their natural habitat, including in the forests of Papua and Maluku. This project is called the Birds-of-Paradise Project.

This campaign needs to be voiced and supported by all parties to participate in calling for the preservation of tropical rainforests in Papua and Maluku. Those forests are one of the largest forest covers in the world. Now, these forests are slowly losing their tree covers due to land conversion and development. In the span of 2009-2018, deforestation in Tanah Papua reached more than 353,000 hectares, and forests in the Maluku Islands lost by more than 151,000 hectares. 

Defending Paradise invites all levels of society and environmentalists to give messages of support for the preservation of the tropical rainforests of Papua and Maluku as a habitat for birds-of-paradise through the testimonial form submitting.

I was involved in several phases of this campaign. In the early phase (March 2021), I only designed the prototype user interface design. Then the web developer team made the development. However, in the next phase (September 2021), the developer team was no longer involved. Thus, at this stage, I recreated the landing page with a different framework, both in terms of user interface design and development. Here is the final version I made: